Imam Tariq Rasheed joined the Islamic Center of Orlando in July 1993. He comes from the renowned Ulema of Farangi Mahal of Lucknow, India. Imam Rasheed received elementary and Middle school education at Christ Church School, a Catholic British school in Lucknow.
1983: Hifz of Quran - Madarsa Furqania, Lucknow, India
1987: Bachelors of Arts in English Literature - University of Lucknow, India
1989: Masters in Arabic Language and Literature - University of Lucknow, India
1992: Conferred the Degree of "Alim" (5 year course) - Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulema, Lucknow, India
1992: Ijazah of Hadith by Shaikh Abul Hassan Ali Nadwi (R.A.) - Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulema, Lucknow India
1993: Completed the 1st year of Mufti Course - Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulema, Lucknow, India
2003: Masters in Educational Leadership - University of Central Florida, Orlando FLCurrently enrolled in the PhD program.
- Director & Imam at the Islamic Center of Orlando since 1993
- Leader of Muslims in Central Florida since 1993
- Teacher at Darul Hifz, memorization of Quran School (So far 30 students became Hafiz from this school)
- Editor of Al Huda Magazine, a monthly Magazine
- Editor and publisher “Fatwa Abdul Hai” (written in 1886) in 3 Volumes, Lucknow, (2010)
- Author of "Backbiting: An Islamic Perspective'' Chicago,(1997) Currently in its 2nd edition
- Author of “Life and Achievements of Imam Abdul Hai”, Lucknow, (2009)
- Author The Scholars of Farangi Mahal in Arabic Language (2010)
- Founder of the Islamic Studies Chair at the University of Central Florida called "Al Ghazali Chair of Islamic Studies"
- Chaplin at Dr. Phillips Hospital, Orlando
- Counselor on Family issues
- Marriage Counselor at the Orange County
- Marriage Counselor at the Osceola County
- Selected by the Orlando Sentinel on Sep 9th 2007 to be the: "Spotlight person of the Orlando Community"
- Interviewed frequently by the local Media on Islamic related Issues
- Weekly Speech before Juma Salah
- Weekly Dars of Tafseer of Quran
- Weekly Dars of Sahih Al Bukhari
- Weekly Arabic Language classes for Adults
- Weekly Halqa for Youth class
- Daily short lessons of Hadith after Fajr & Isha salah
- Dawah to non Muslims: visits regularly to deliver speeches on Islam at churches, synagogues, schools and colleges.
- Developed close relationship with Youths.
Imam Tariq Rasheed can be reached at imamtariq@gmail.com